Friday, October 17, 2008


1:07:11 AM spineheist:                    : This rip of the movie isn't very good quality. I shall try to find another one. :]
1:07:24 AM hellswin  geromega: :D
1:07:36 AM hellswin  geromega: I can let you borrow the rented one that I have if you can't find it..
1:07:46 AM spine  heist: Okay, cool. :]
1:08:51 AM hellswingeromega : :]
1:09:08 AM hellswin  geromega:    It has to be due back Monday or something though so when can I bring it to ya?
1:09:22 AM spine  heist: Whenever.
1:11:12 AM spine  heist: Well, I can't find it anywhere else.
1:11:14 AM spine  heist: Oh well, this'll do.
1:11:53 AM hellswin  geromega: Aww, boo.
1:18:38 AM spine  heist: I'm 7 minutes into it and I'm already speechless. I want to cry because it shows me that someone gets it.
1:19:21 AM hellswin  geromega: I knew you would love it, I'm so happy!!!! :3
1:26:34 AM spine  heist: Fucking amazing.
1:26:42 AM spineheist : It's almost like.. VERBATIM of what I think.
1:26:49 AM hellswin  geromega: ;]
1:26:51 AM spineheist : Everyone in the world needs to see this.
1:26:51 AM hellswingeromega : I know.
1:26:57 AM spineheist : My mom and Joe especially.
1:26:59 AM hellswingeromega : I was thinking of you the whole time I watched it!
1:27:25 AM spine  heist: I am made to feel like an outcast when I talk about this stuff.
1:27:34 AM spine  heist: However, I AM RIGHT. SEE? FUCK ALL OF YOU.
1:27:36 AM spineheist : Not you. :[
1:27:49 AM hellswingeromega : ;D!!!
1:28:02 AM spineheist : The problem is...
1:28:31 AM hellswin  geromega: What would that be?
1:28:34 AM spine  heist: I discovered this at age 18, 19, right?
1:28:44 AM spineheist : Well, now that I KNOW about this crap.
1:29:00 AM spine  heist: Everything that humans have forged seems utterly pointless. That includes a job and school. :[
1:29:10 AM spine  heist:    This is why I am so depressed all the time when it comes to those things, .
1:29:23 AM spineheist : I realize how utterly silly they actually are, yet I live in a society that knows nothing else BUT those.
1:29:46 AM spine  heist: That is why I have no motivation to learn or pass my math class, . :[
1:30:03 AM spine  heist: Do you understand?
1:30:13 AM hellswin  geromega: I understand.
1:31:24 AM hellswingeromega : And I wish I could tell you there was a point to it all, but all you can really do is try to do what you enjoy with the time you have because you'll only exist once. Well, as far as you know, at least. ;O
1:31:39 AM spine  heist: This is true, however.
Changed status to Offline (1:31:48 AM)
1:31:59 AM spine  heist: Why take the long, hard road, when you can take the shortcut through the yard? o_o
1:32:08 AM spineheist : If it sounds awful, you know it's not... :l
1:32:41 AM spine  heist: It is quite clear life is no more a mystery than death.
1:32:52 AM spine  heist: And vice versa.
1:33:06 AM hellswin  geromega: Hehe, yeah. It's true. ;P
1:33:20 AM spine  heist: True or false: Nothing matters. o_o
1:33:57 AM spine heist : There's what you want to say, and there's what you know is correct, I believe. o_o
1:36:24 AM hellswingeromega : I'm confused! Rephrase please.
1:36:34 AM spineheist : The question?
1:36:58 AM hellswin  geromega: Are you just asking me my thought's on all that you're talking about?
1:37:04 AM spine  heist: Nope.
1:37:15 AM hellswin  geromega: Oh okay, then I am confused!
1:39:06 AM spine  heist  : When I say "True or false: Nothing matters", I am looking for a "true" or "false" answer from you. Now, I believe that your mind and your intuition is saying "What! Of COURSE things matter! I have a assignment due tomorrow and it can't be late!" however, based on what you've watched and heard from me or others... you know the answer is "Right, nothing does in fact matter. This is all a superfluous illusion.."
1:42:26 AM hellswin  geromega: Oh yeah. Sorry, I thought the true or false thing was rhetorical for some reason. Yeah, in the end nothing has a point really.
1:43:00 AM spineheist : Very well. :]
1:43:09 AM spine  heist: At least as far as we can tell.
1:43:13 AM spine  heist: Yes, nothing really seems to matter.
1:45:19 AM hellswin  geromega: Yeah, as far as we know.
1:45:40 AM hellswin  geromega: :D
1:45:54 AM spine  heist: The basketball analogy is cool.
1:46:04 AM spine  heist: How nothing is really ever touching anything.
1:46:07 AM spine  heist: Amazing.
1:46:13 AM spine  heist: Atoms.. so tiny!
1:46:40 AM hellswin  geromega: I KNOW! o_o
1:48:46 AM spineheist : Wrapping your head around superimposition is a bit difficult at first.
1:51:35 AM hellswin  geromega: Yeah.
2:02:32 AM spineheist : There is no real, true reality. However, there is one very large, popular reality. :]
2:02:47 AM hellswin  geromega: Yeah!!!
2:04:00 AM spineheist : Kind of gross, isn't it? >:[
2:06:55 AM hellswin  geromega: It is. :[
2:07:04 AM spine  heist: What are we going to do?
2:07:41 AM hellswingeromega : I don't know, . I don't know. ;_;
2:14:37 AM spineheist : When the lady with an accent is talking about God, it's very funny.
2:14:48 AM spine  heist: It's so true that it's funny.
2:15:18 AM  spine heist: God did not create us in his image, we created God in our image. o_o
2:17:41 AM hellswin  geromega: Yeah.
2:17:44 AM hellswin  geromega:   I agree.
2:34:09 AM hellswin  geromega: How's it going over there?
2:34:17 AM spineheist : Movieish.
2:34:32 AM hellswingeromega : Okay. I'll let you continue. I figured you were probably pretty into it.
2:41:50 AM hellswingeromega : Well, I'm about to leave, so I'll talk to you laters.
2:41:57 AM hellswin  geromega:    I'll get back on when I'm home.
2:42:01 AM spineheist : Okay. Later.
2:42:23 AM hellswin  geromega: Later.

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