Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I focused mostly on sight today because I had my drawing class. We drew for three hours straight and my vision started focusing in on becoming grayscale. I couldn't look away I was so focused. Afterwards, my eyes hurt really bad. O_O


A day late, I am blogging about the sense that I focused on yesterday which was taste. After class me, Nathan, and Bianca went about our normal Monday routine of walking to Bazbeaux and then going to Luna. We had pizza with cajun shrimp, onions, green and red peppers, garlic, and spinach. I tried to focus on the taste of each individual ingredient while eating and the one thing that really stood out was the spinach which I really enjoyed. I had to pick off all the onions because the texture and taste are so nasty to me. I dislike onions a lot, so that was kind of unpleasant. Later, I had home made curry rice and it was really good! The end.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Claaaaaaass reflectiooooooooooooooon!

I think this was the first class I actually had fun in. I had a friend tell me a few days later that he was in a class on the floor we were rolling around on and he heard me laughing and saying stuff and wanted to come out but didn't. He said that 10 people had left his class early that day because it was so boring, and I was glad that it wasn't my class.  x[
Playing telephone pictionary was great and I still suggest that we should play a class wide game of it! I liked hearing about what other people went around and did also for once. Seeing Sideways worked out for me this time. I enjoyed it. Hopefully I will continue to enjoy it. Until then, here are some pictures of our shenanigans during class. 

What if...?

What if things are happening that I don't know about?

Well, this sounds silly at first because things are ALWAYS happening that we don't know about. However, there is one thing that I'm thinking about all the time! It sounds stupid, but whenever I'm out just doing whatever and I see someone in the same place as me that I haven't seen in ages I always think about how everyone I've ever known is always existing somewhere. They're always doing something and always living their lives and it's such a once in a million chance that they would happen to be in the same place as me at the same time, especially if it's somewhere really random. It makes me wonder what people are doing every hour of the day. When I walk into a store and buy something from the person working there, I think to myself "This person has a life. They have friends and a family and they exist outside of this job. But to me, there are just a person that works here and sells me things. I wonder what their life is like?" Anyway. So yes. Random thoughts that go through my mind every day. 

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Time Reflection

As far as my head goes, my hair is doing pretty well. However, I still don't have all the dreads out! There's still 7 or 8 of them in the back! So...I've pretty much decided to wait until two or three days before class to write all of my blogs so I can have the week to sit back and think about what happened in class, and if I actually remember anything or something sticks out in my brain after a week, then I'll consider it memorable. However, sitting down to write this reflection has left me completely blank minded. Nothing about the discussion about time stands out in my head. I don't even remember what we talked about! Maybe it's me that's not putting enough effort into it, or maybe in my mind there really is nothing very amazing to remember about it, but I will continue to try and immerse myself in the class. 

The 'What Ifs'

50. What if music never existed?
49. What if I was actually a crazy person and turned to the person next to me and stabbed them in the neck with a pen?
48. What if there were no races, religions, or nationalities?
47. What if a bridge collapsed over the highway while I was driving over it?
46. What if we all blew up in 20 seconds?
45. What if every conspiracy theory ever was 100% true?
44. What if music sounds like total crap to animals?
43. What if being a homicidal killer is actually a completely natural thing?
42. What if humans are not really at the top of the food chain?
41. What if everyone was happy all the time?
40. What if love doesn't really exist and it's just something we made up and passed down from generation to generation?
39. What if we are like a giant dollhouse for some huger existence that just plays with us all day long?
38. What if you're sitting in the waiting room?
37. What if we disproved the existence of God?
36. What if Master Chief never stopped the covenant?
35. What if the Higgs Boson exists?
34. What if you find out you're adopted 10 years from now?
What if there is no moleman?
33. What if the LHC makes a giant black hole and everyone dies?
32. What if what if?
30. What if money sprouts legs and starts a legitimate dictatorship consisting of all the money in the world and we were slaves that ate dirt? 
29. What if Nathan Gallagher didn't like Radiohead?
28. What if Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are actually secretly gay lovers?
27. What if no one was allowed to leave their house ever?
26. What if you can walk down the street free of suggestion?
25. What if anyone cared what my 'what ifs' are? 
24. What if the smallest event in your life changed the course of the rest of your life drastically and you never knew?
23. What if nothing ever changes?
22. What if people never followed a stereotype?
21. What if the Twin Towers were still standing?
20. What if no one ever cared about anything. Ever?
19. What if everyone that believes in the existence of heaven goes there and it turns out to be so boring because everything is perfect?
18. What if fully functional AI existed, and it successfully mated with a human?
17. What if all the stars exploded at once?
16. What if everyone realized that everything we do is completely pointless because we're all going to die anyway?
15. What if you were sitting in your house typing your 'What if' questions and a stray bullet came through and killed you?
14. What if hurricanes happened because it's natures way of keeping the population under control?
13. What if I only had 12 more questions to write? Oh wait.
12. What if I never did this assignment?
11. What if I had never met any of the people I consider to be my best friends?
10. What if I lived a completely different life and had been born in another country?
9. What if the world will only be around for a few more years?
8. What if brushing your teeth didn't really matter and they only tell you to do it to make jobs and so dentists can make money?
7. What if there was someone hiding underneath your car when you got out and they sliced your achilles tendons and mugged you?
6. What if you got stuck inside a water tower?
5. What if something was too cute?
4. What if everyone was a product of a schizophrenic person's imagination?
3. What if everyone was completely confident of themselves?
2. What if we never had to sleep?
1. What if all land was water, and water was land?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Shedding Season

The time has come where I am no longer in need of the services of my dreadlocks. In other words, I am tired of them. x[  I've decided to brush them all out, and so far I've got the just the front done. It's taken me about two and a half weeks now just to get these out. You get to follow me through my magical journey of dead hair loss and immense pain! YAY! It takes about between one and two hours to brush out each lock, depending on how tangled it is. Not a fun task. It's taken at least 20x more time to brush them out than it was to get them, which was about 9 hours in one day. I've had them for a year and a half now, and it's time to say goodbye. Prepare to be disgusted. I shall keep you all updated.

And Then There Was None

In this blog, I've been asked to pick my favorite egg project. To be totally honest, harsh, and brutal, I thought they were all equally as boring to hear about. If I had to choose, I would probably pick the one that took the picture of the green leaf because it had absolutely nothing to do with eggs, and I was tired of hearing about them. 

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Well, the pages I opened up to in my book were 284 and respectively, the page next to it which, however, is not 285. It's a non-page. Now I stare at a picture of the Mona Lisa. It's made up of many many countries flags and the caption to the side states that it is a triple composition of "The Mona Lisa", "International Flags", and "A jigsaw". It's surprising how detailed the features look, and even more shocking that someone took the time to make it. It makes me think about how art is one thing that every culture has in common. We will always be making art, and it's one thing that brings everyone together from all over the world. 
The non-page is just plain black with the words in the center: Puccini-"Music is noise submitted to order by wisdom." I thought of John Cage's 4'33". I remembered watching it in N100 and having nearly 5 minutes of almost pure silence. I thought it was strange at first, but when it was explained I understood the concept of the audience and everything around being part of the performance. Music is intentional noise. We arrange these noises in an order we find appealing, and manipulate them. However, music will always be subjective to the listener, so while one person may thing the artist making the music is wise, another may not. 

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Ahh, delightful. Fantastic egg time. So. This egg...it doesn't have a name. Egg. Eggy, Egg McEggerson, Eggs McKenzie. Whatever you want to call it. On it's journey home, it sat in my hat, and then once it's destination was reached, it continued to sit. It sat, and sat, and sat. It did, however, replace a terribly decorated pysanka in the egg cradle I had made. That's right. You heard me, egg cradle. >:|
Now that it got to do some sitting and serious thinking about life and what it had done wrong, I decided to try and do something with it 3 days before class. I WANTED TO BURN IT. BURN IT ALIIIIIVE. So, I decided to do an experiment. My art teacher back in high school used to be really into Pagan culture, so I went to Pagan pride one year and had bought some Black Cat Oil from her stand. I thought it smelled pretty. For those who don't know what it is:
"Metaphysical lore: Sprinkle it at all entrances, doors, and windows to the home so negative entities will be unable to enter. Worn as a perfume, assures only favorable circumstances and friendly encounters."

Sounds like a bunch of BS, right? Well, lets be honest. I've never had any purpose for using this, so it's just sat in my little cup with a bunch of tiny candles on one of my desks. I decided to put this oil all over the outside of the egg's shell. I thought, "Let's see if THIS will save you. You defenseless, innocent egg. BAHAHAHA." -Ahem- Moving on, I continued outside. As I turned the lighter on, no flame. Again and again, no flame. Okay, it's out. I'll just go back inside and get another one. I always keep the same two lighters in the same spot in my room for lighting candles. The other one was missing. I couldn't find it anywhere in the house. I retried the other again, and it worked. Success! I went back outside to try again, and nothing. Frustrated, I came back inside and put the lighter up and got some matches. Nothing. Something in the world did not want this egg to be harmed. I decided, since it had worked so hard, it had earned the right to live. With this sequence of events, you can decide what protected it. ;O! Either way, since it's such a little trooper, it now gets to sit as a decoration in the egg cradle in my room and live a long, SUFFERING, life like all the rest of us. It will sit there, and it will rot into old age. How is that more appealing than being burned alive?!