Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saccade: a small rapid jerky movement of the eye especially as it jumps from fixation on one point to another

This is a trailer for the movie 'Blindness' that came out this past weekend. I work at a movie theater and I just thought I would share with everyone about how all the blind people came and protested the movie. First, they called during the day and asked if they could protest on our property and the managers told them no. They can protest on public property, but the theater is private property so they're not allowed, and we can call the cops on them if they do. Well, later in the day they decided to do it anyways so they had the cops called on them, but their protest worked. We sold almost no tickets for 'Blindness' on a Friday night. Any thoughts?

Also, I watched a really awesome show on Discovery about senses and a lot on sight in specific. A bunch about optical illusions and how easy it is to fool people's brains into seeing something. There was also a lot about blind people being able to perceive light through the use of technology. Very interesting show! I'd try and explain more, but it was almost two hours long. x[

1 comment:

cloudedchaoss said...

do you ever notice how if you learn something new, its hard to forget

i had to read a book about the way the brain works, and it mentioned saccade- ing in it

ever since this happened, i have a hard time focusing bc i realize i cant, bc my eyes can't / won't sit still