Saturday, September 6, 2008

Well, the pages I opened up to in my book were 284 and respectively, the page next to it which, however, is not 285. It's a non-page. Now I stare at a picture of the Mona Lisa. It's made up of many many countries flags and the caption to the side states that it is a triple composition of "The Mona Lisa", "International Flags", and "A jigsaw". It's surprising how detailed the features look, and even more shocking that someone took the time to make it. It makes me think about how art is one thing that every culture has in common. We will always be making art, and it's one thing that brings everyone together from all over the world. 
The non-page is just plain black with the words in the center: Puccini-"Music is noise submitted to order by wisdom." I thought of John Cage's 4'33". I remembered watching it in N100 and having nearly 5 minutes of almost pure silence. I thought it was strange at first, but when it was explained I understood the concept of the audience and everything around being part of the performance. Music is intentional noise. We arrange these noises in an order we find appealing, and manipulate them. However, music will always be subjective to the listener, so while one person may thing the artist making the music is wise, another may not. 

1 comment:

N.Gallagher said...

Wrong. Good and bad music is based on my opinions, we've been through this.
